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Business Development

Our focus is on establishing new collaborations with pharmaceutical companies and partnerships within Life Science.

We are constantly looking for new opportunities to license or acquire products for the Northern European Market that create benefits for both patients and healthcare. These could be niched products that we know there is a huge demand for and could be hard to get. These can be products that have either already been approved by the regional health authorities or have a legal basis available for registration in the region.

Our areas of expertise

  •   Registration of new product

  •   Licensed medical drugs

  •   Sales and marketing

  •   Pricing, subsidy application, and tender procedure

  •   Market research and analysis

  •   Supervisory issues

  •   Pharmacovigilance

  •   Quality of medical drugs

  •   Distribution and warehousing

FrostPharma belongs to a European network;

Your Pharma Partner in Europe, which enables us to reach all markets in Europe.

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For questions or contact regarding business development, please contact.

Clas Lindbergson,

Head of Business Development

Phone + 46 70 658 11 80




Karin Torberger,

Business Development Director

Phone +46 73 052 93 31


Read more about Your Pharma Partner in Europe - click here


Your Pharma Partner in Europe's purpose is to be your single point of contact to commercialize niche pharmaceuticals to 200 million Europeans in 28 countries (to all 28 countries or a selection of these countries).

We are successful in the sales and marketing of nice pharmaceuticals in these countries. We are well respected and trusted and we will do our utmost best to commercialize your niche pharmaceuticals in our part of Europe. Our mission is to exceed your expectations.

Apart from our commercialization capabilities, we can handle the registration, market access (price, reimbursement, hospital protocols), and distribution for you. For all 28 countries or a selection of these countries. 

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